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№ 91



  • V Российско-немецкий семинар
    «Связь между модельным и реальным катализом. Синхротронные исследования в катализе»
  • Китайско-Российский симпозиум по катализу
  • Открытие строительства завода ПАО «Газпром нефть» по производству высокотехнологичных катализаторов для нефтепереработки в Омске
  • За рубежом
  • Приглашения на конференции
  • Памяти С.С. Иванчёва и Г.М. Жидомирова

V Российско-немецкий семинар «Связь между модельным и реальным катализом. Синхротронные исследования в катализе»

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Китайско-Российский симпозиум по катализу

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Открытие строительства завода ПАО «Газпром нефть» по производству высокотехнологичных катализаторов для нефтепереработки в Омске

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Robust carbon-coupling catalysts sans precious metals

Advance may reduce cost of making synthetic fuels via Fischer-Tropsch chemistry may reduce cost of making synthetic fuels via Fischer-Tropsch chemistry


A new catalyst preparation yields fine cobalt particles on an alumina support (top left) and distributes Co2+ species throughout the particles (top right). A standard method yields less-active, larger particles with a surface coating of Co2+(bottom).


A new, precious-metal-free catalyst could lower the cost of making synthetic fuels—and it even outperforms commercial catalysts when it comes to knitting together new carbon-carbon bonds using a common synthetic process.

Fischer-Tropsch synthesis is a century-old process for converting mixtures of CO and hydrogen, generally derived from natural gas and coal, to transportation fuels and other hydrocarbons. The process can be used to make fuels where crude oil is unavailable and can make fuels that are purer and higher performing. The F–T process, which generates tens of millions of liters of fuel per day, relies on oxide-supported cobalt, iron, and ruthenium catalysts. Cobalt is the most common choice, especially when the feedstock is natural gas.

Manufacturers often run the F–T process in slurry reactors, in which the solid catalyst and gas-phase reactants are stirred in a liquid. These reactors can provide energy and heat-management advantages relative to other types of reactors. But the mechanical agitation, coupled with heat and humidity, take a toll. The conditions can break down the catalyst’s support, typically a form of aluminum oxide called γ -alumina. This degradation ruins the catalyst’s performance.

Gamma alumina is not the material’s most stable phase. Other forms, such as α -alumina, can better tolerate the harsh reactor conditions, but it doesn’t usually work well as a support because the relatively non-porous substance does not take up much cobalt and does not disperse the particles finely. The result is an inactive catalyst. Precious metal additives, which are used in some commercial F–T catalysts, can improve performance, but they also add cost and complexity.

Now, Peter R. Ellis and colleagues at Johnson Matthey have come up with a way to capitalize on α -alumina’s stability to make precious-metal-free cobalt F–T catalysts that remain active in slurry-phase tests for more than 1000 h (Nat. Catal.  2019, DOI: 10.1038/s41929-019-0288-5.

To make the catalysts, the team treated cobalt metal with an aqueous solution of ammonium carbonate, ammonium hydroxide, and bubbling air, and then reacted the product with α -alumina. Microscopy studies show that the method coats the support with fine (~5-nm-dimater) cobalt oxide particles—a precursor to the catalytically active metallic phase. In contrast, a standard preparation method based on impregnation of α -alumina with cobalt nitrate generated much larger particles—up to 75 nm in diameter. Large particles lead to less surface area and lower activity. Other analyses show that the small and large particles differ in terms of the oxidation state of cobalt at their surfaces, which may also affect activity.

To assess catalytic performance, the researchers conducted various types of reactor tests. One test, which compared 2 α -alumina-supported catalysts, showed that the new catalyst is more than six times as active as the cobalt-nitrate-based material and generates a larger fraction of the desired C 5  and longer hydrocarbons.

Another test showed that the activity of the new catalyst—made without precious metals—on α -alumina, is roughly equivalent to that of a reference commercial catalyst composed of ruthenium and cobalt on γ -alumina. In this test, too, the new catalyst exhibited higher selectivity for C 5+  products.

Eric van Steen, a specialist in F–T chemistry at the University of Cape Town, notes that the researchers “show convincingly” that their catalysts exhibit high surface area on α -alumina and that the support is hydrothermally more stable than γ -alumina. Another F–T expert, Utrecht University’s Krijn P. de Jong, is impressed with the reported activity and product selectivity. However, both scientists note that additional studies are needed to further boost the catalyst’s stability.


Graphene aerogel keeps single-atom catalysts stable

Unconventional support material firmly anchors active species, prevents agglomeration

To get the most out of precious metals used as industrial catalysts, researchers try to disperse the metals as finely as possible on a support material. The smaller the particle, the larger the fraction of atoms that reside at the surface, where they are exposed and available to convert reactants to products. But tiny particles tend to be unstable. Under reaction conditions, they fuse with nearby particles, covering would-be active sites and thwarting efforts to maximize efficiency and cut costs. The same holds for single-atom catalysts. One way to keep the atoms or particles isolated is to put very few of them on the support, but that leads to relatively inactive catalysts. Uğur Ünal and Alper Uzun of Koç University and their coworkers in the US may have come up with a way around that limitation. The researchers report that an easy-to-make, inexpensive graphene aerogel support firmly anchors high concentrations of catalytic iridium species containing a single metal atom. Other groups previously found that single-atom catalysts coalesced if their concentration on standard metal-oxide supports exceeded just a few percent. In contrast, the Koç team boosted the iridium loading to about 15% by weight and showed via spectroscopy and microscopy that every metal atom was isolated and catalytically active (ACS Catal. 2019,DOI: 10.1021/acscatal.9b02231).


MOF-derived nanoparticles exhibit enzymelike catalytic activity

Particles display strong antibacterial properties and promote wound healing


This MOF-derived nanoparticle (left, 130 nm in diameter) is endowed with catalytically active Zn-N


Advancing the trend to use metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) in medical applications, researchers in China report that an inexpensive MOF-derived nanomaterial exhibits antibacterial properties and promotes wound healing in mice (Angew. Chem., Int. Ed.  2019, DOI: 10.1002/anie.201813994). Huiyu Liu of Beijing University of Chemical Technology and colleagues previously developed a procedure for making nanospheres from ZIF-8, a zinc-based MOF with a porphyrin-like structure, and reported that they exhibit antitumor properties when triggered by ultrasound. Now, her team has explored the material’s potential in biocatalysis. The motivation stems from metal-N-C bonding motifs that the nanomaterial shares with metalloenzymes. First, the researchers tested the nanospheres’ ability to mediate oxidation of organic compounds in the presence of hydrogen peroxide. They found that the performance was similar to that of natural horseradish peroxidase and was due to catalytically active Zn-N4 moieties. Then, through a series of in vitro and in vivo tests, the team determined that the nanoparticles inhibited growth of  Pseudomonas aeruginosa , a major cause of infection, by nearly 99.9%. Control tests showed that the particles also nearly doubled the rate of wound healing in mice.

Chemical & Engineering News

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Памяти С.С. Иванчёва и Г.М. Жидомирова

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