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№ 19

Обложка номера


К семидесятилетию академика Владимира Борисовича Казанского

О конкурсах на соискание золотых медалей и премий имени выдающихся ученых, проводимых Российской академией наук в 2002 году

Kirill Zamaraev Fund
for Support of Travel for Students and Scholars from Russia and FSU Countries

Премии в области катализа

Новости науки

Катализ в промышленности (Catalysis in industry)

Гость номера :
академик Ю.А. Золотов "Химики, проявившие себя в иных областях"

К семидесятилетию академика Владимира Борисовича Казанского

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О конкурсах на соискание медалей и премий

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Kirill Zamaraev Fund

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Премии в области катализа

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The Catalysis Club of Philadelphia announces that Prof. Mark Barteau of the University of Delaware was awarded the Club's 2001 Catalysis Award for his numerous accomplishments in surface science and catalysis. The award was presented to Mark at the Club's Spring Symposium held on May 31 in honor of Ted Koch at the University of Delaware. The symposium was organized by Chair-Elect Jennifer Jewson of Lyondell. The Club held its annual Student Poster Contest on January 18, 2001. An impressive group of twenty-three posters were prepared and presented by students and postdocs from PA, NJ, DE, and MD. This year the First Prize Award ($250) was renamed the Alan W. Peters Memorial Award in honor of an ardent supporter of the Club and especially its student poster session. The Club gratefully acknowledges W.R.Grace for sponsoring the award in memory of its long-time colleague. The winner was Mallika Gummaila of the Univ. of Massachusetts/Univ. of Delaware. In addition to the poster session the Club was delighted to host a presentation by Dr. Gary B. McVicker, the 2000 F. G. Ciapetta Award Lecturer. New officers for 2001-2 are Chair, Jennifer Jewson, Lyondell cnsjld@lyondell.com; Treasurer, Hasan Dindi, DuPont; Secretary, Hai-Ying Chen, Johnson Matthey; Program Chair, Dan Hancu, Lyondell; Chair-Elect, Todd Ballinger, Johnson Matthey; National Rep., Anne Gaffney, Rohm and Haas.

The Michigan Catalysis Society

The Michigan Catalysis Society is proud to announce that Professor D. Wayne Goodman (Texas A and University, Dept. of Chemistry) is the recipient of the Parravano Award for Excellence in Catalysis based on his outstanding contributions to catalytic science and technology. Professor Goodman delivered his award address "Toward an Understanding of Catalysis by Supported Metal Nanoclusters" at the 23rd Michigan Catalysis Society Spring Symposium on May 10.

The Society belatedly reports that Dr. Robert A. Stowe was the winner of the 2000 Parravano Award for Excellence in Catalysis Research and Development. Bob's extended career includes 36 years as a research scientist at Dow Chemical Co. and 10 as an entrepreneur and consultant in catalytic and process chemistry. He was cited for his "many significant contributions, both to science and to the profitability of Dow, as well as the enabling process development work for his client, a small specialty chemical start-up company. The Parravano Award is sponsored by the Memorial Trust Fund for Professor Giuseppe Parravano, which has been established at the Department of Chemical Engineering, The University of Michigan.

The Catalysis Society of Metropolitan New York is pleased to announce that "The BP Propane Ammoxidation Catalyst Team", currently part of BP-Amoco Chemicals, will receive its Excellence in Catalysis Award for the year 2001. The award, sponsored by the ExxonMobil Research and Engineering Company, consists of a plaque and a $1,200 gift. The award is given annually to recognize outstanding contributions in either applied or basic research in either homogeneous or heterogeneous catalysis. "The BP Propane Ammoxidation Catalyst Team" was responsible for the development of a novel catalyst and process that economically ammoxidizes propane to acrylonitrile, a building block for acrylic fibers, plastics and nitrile rubber. Key to this important technological breakthrough was the discovery of a novel catalyst system, which allowed the development of a revolutionary new, one-step, propane-based production route with significant advantages over conventional propylene-based routes. Dr. James F. Brazdil, accepted the award on behalf of the team and spoke before The Catalysis Society of Metropolitan New York on May 16, 2001.

The Organic Reactions Catalysis Societyannounces that the winner of its 2001 Paul Rylander Award is Fran Waller of Air Products and Chemicals and the winner of the Murray Raney Award is Professor Akira Tai of Osaka University in Osaka, Japan. The Society's 19th Conference on Catalysis of Organic Reactions will be held at the Marriott Plaza in San Antonio TX, April 14-18, 2002. Contact Dennis Morrell, Hercules Incorporated, Research Center, 500. Hercules Road, Wilmington DE 19808, 302-995-3446, fax: 302-995-4324, dmorrell@herc.com; www.orcs.org.

The North American Catalysis Society Newsletter
July 2001, Vol. XXXV No 2

Новости науки

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Катализ в промышленности (Catalysis in industry)

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"Химики, проявившие себя в иных областях"

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