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№ 45


Важнейшие результаты
фундаментальных и прикладных исследований
в области катализа ,
полученные в 2006 году

Важнейшие результаты
фундаментальных и прикладных исследований
в области катализа,
полученные в 2007 году

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Важнейшие результаты фундаментальных и прикладных исследований в области катализа, полученные в 2006 году

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Важнейшие результаты фундаментальных и прикладных исследований в области катализа, полученные в 2007 году

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3а рубежом

As global demand and prices for petroleum-based feedstocks continue to rise, chemists are being challenged to devise processes that utilize bio-mass-derived feedstocks

In one of the latest developments, Glaus H. Christensen and coworkers at the Technical University of Denmark, in Lyngby, have come up with a procedure for the selective oxidation of furfural and hydroxymethylfurfural to form their respective methyl esters (ChemSusChem, DOI: 10.1002/CSSC200700033). The researchers used sodium methoxide in methanol solvent, an oxygen atmosphere, and gold deposited on titania nanoparticles to efficiently convert the hydroxyl and/or aldehyde groups of the furfurals. Methyl furoate formed from furfural is useful in flavor and fragrance applications and potentially as an industrial solvent, whereas furan-2,5-dimethylca rboxylate derived from hydroxymethylfurfural (reaction shown) is a monomer that can replace tere-phthalic acid in plastics, the scientists note.


In an effort to advance biofuels, UCLA chemical engineers James G. Liao, Shota Atsumi, and Taizo Hanai have engineered Escherichia coli to produce C3-C5 alcohols from glucose using the bacteria’s amino acid biosynthetic pathway (Nature 2008, 451,86). These straight-chain and branched higher alcohols are more like the mix of compounds in gasoline and are expected to perform better as biofuels than ethanol. An existing industrial fermentation process generates 1-butanol using the bacterium Clostridium acetobutylicum. The researchers diverted the 2-keto acid intermediates from the amino acid synthesis into alcohol production, where they are first converted to aldehydes by 2-keto acid decarboxylases and then to alcohols by alcohol dehydrogenases. The biosynthetic pathway produces 1-butanol, isobutanol, and other alcohols, depending on the choice of the amino acid pathway, whereas the fermentation process produces only 1-butanol, Liao says. In addition, because the amino acid biosynthetic pathway is universal, the process can be transferred to other microorganisms, such as the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae.


Zeolite films are well-known as molecular sieves for membrane applications, but they may also be useful as nontoxic, corrosion-resistant coatings to replace chromate-based materials, according to Yushan Yan and colleagues at the University of California, Riverside (Angew. Chem. Int. Ed, 2008, 47, 525). Hydrothermal zeolite coating methods require high process pressures, which the authors say are difficult for the surface-finishing industry to adopt commercially. To make the coatings at ambient pressure, Yan and coworkers adapted a technique normally used to prepare zeolite powders. Their method relies on an “environmentally benign” ionic liquid solvent rather than water or an organic solvent. The researchers used the approach to coat a corrosion-susceptible aluminum alloy commonly used in aerospace and defense applications with the silicoaluminophosphate zeolite SAPO-11. When deposited, the zeolite showed good resistance to pitting corrosion, especially when topped with a silane sealant.


JANUARY 7, 2008

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