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№ 38

Обложка номера


В.Б.Казанский (к 75-летию со дня рождения)

"Истоки и основы журнала "Катализ в промышленности"

"40 лет ИКАРУ "НИАП"

"Научный потенциал Тульского региона"

Т.В.Замулина, А.Н.Загоруйко, В.Я.Якововлев

За рубежом

Приглашения на конференции


Переход к элементу



Переход к элементу


40 лет ИКАРУ "НИАП"

Переход к элементу


Научный потенциал Тульского региона

Переход к элементу


XVII Международная конференция по химическим реакторам ХИМРЕАКТОР-17

Переход к элементу


За рубежом

Переход к элементу


Приглашения на конференции

Переход к разделу

III Международная конференция "КАТАЛИЗ: ТЕОРИЯ И ПРАКТИКА"

Уважаемые коллеги!

Приглашаем Вас принять участие в работе III Международной конференции "Катализ: теория и практика". Конференция будет проводиться в год 100-летия со дня рождения академика Г.К. Борескова в Новосибирском научном центре с 4 по 8 июля 2007 г.

Организационный комитет

Заявки на участие и доклад регистрируются в режиме on-line на веб-сайте конференции http://www-sbras.nsc.ru/ws/boreskov/index.en.html. до 1 ноября 2006 г. Тезисы доклада направляются только по электронной почте star@catalysis.ru также до 1 ноября 2006 г.

Адрес Оргкомитета для переписки:
Старцевой Людмиле Яковлевне
Институт катализа СО РАН
просп. Акад. Лаврентьева,5, Новосибирск, 630090
Тел.\факс: (383)330-62-97
E-mail: star@catalysis.ru

September 17- 22, 2006
4th European Summer
School on Electrochemical
Palic, Yugoslavia
Velizar Stankovic
Technical Faculty Bor
Vojske Jugoslavije 12
Bor 19210
United Kingdom
Tel.: +381 30 424 555
Fax: +381 30 421 078
E-mail: vstankovic@tf.bor.ac.yu
Web site:http://www.shd.org.yu/ESSEE4/

September 18-22, 2006
3rd Mid-European Clay Conference (MECC-06)
Opatija, Croatia
E-mail: mecc06@gfz.hr
Web site: http://mecc06.gfz.hr
Сентябрь 19-29, 2006
Международная школа-конференция
"Космический вызов XXI века. Новые материалы и технологии для ракетно-космической техники"
Севастополь, Крым
Акад. Берлин А.А.
119991 Москва, ул. Косыгина 4,
Tel.: (495) 939 7267
Fax: (495) 651 2191
E-mail: space@chph.ras.ru
Web site: http://www.chph.ras.ru/~space/Space2006rus.htm
September 23-26, 2006
5th International Conference on Inorganic Materials
Ljubljana, Slovenia
Web site: http://www.im-conference.elsevier.com

September 25-27, 2006
7th International Conference on The Scale-Up of Chemical Processes
Vilamoura, Portugal
Claire Francis
Scientific Update LLP
Maycroft Place
Stone Cross
Mayfield, TN20 6EW
United Kingdom
Tel.: +44 (0) 1435 873062
Fax: +44 (0) 1435 872734
E-mail: claire@scientificupdate.co.uk
Web site:http://www.scientificupdate.co.uk

Сентябрь 25-Октябрь 1, 2006
Выставка по водоподготовке и очистке сточных вод
Амстердам, Нидерланды
Родькина Ирина
Симачева Марина
(Компания ЭКВАТЭК)
107078 Москва, а/я 173
Tel.: (495) 782 10 13,
101 46 21
E-mail: office@sibico.com
Web site: www.sibico.com, www.aquatechtrade.com

September 26-29, 2006
8th International Conference on Fundamental and Applied Aspects of Physical Chemistry
Belgrade, SCG
Faculty of Physical Chemistry
Studentski trg 12-16, P.O. Box 137
11001, Belgrade, SCG
Tel./Fax: + 381 11 187 133
E-mail: dfh@ffh.bg.ac.yu
Web site: http://www.iofh.bg.ac.yu/physchem2006/

Октябрь 2-6, 2006
Харьковская нанотехнологическая ассамблея:
VII Международная конференция "Вакуумные технологии и оборудование"
Международный научно-практический симпозиум "Наноструктурные функциональные покрытия для промышленности" (ISNFCI)
XVIII Международный симпозиум “Тонкие пленки в оптике и наноэлектронике” (ISTFONE-18)
Международный семинар “Вакуумно-дуговой разряд: физика, технологии и устройства” (ISVA)
II Школа молодых ученых и специалистов по нанотехнологиям, наноструктурным покрытиям и пленкам
Харьков, Украина
Шулаев Валерий Михайлович
Редкокаша Александр Петрович
Кириленко Анна Юрьевна
61108, Украина, Харьков,
а/я 10363
Tel.: (057) 335 64 32, 335 63 23
Tel./Fax: (057) 335 25 45, 335 35 29
E-mail: v.shulayev@kipt.kharkov.ua
Web site: www.ottom.com.ua

October 2-6, 2006
Chemical Engineering for Scientists
Baildon, United Kingdom
Rachel Robinson
Institution of Chemical Engineers
165-189 Railway Terrace
Rugby CV21 3HQ,
United Kingdom
Tel.: +44 (0)1788 578214
Fax: +44 (0)1788 560833
E-mail: courses@icheme.org
Web site: http://www.icheme.org/chemengsci
October 3-5, 2006
Catalytic Cross Coupling Reactions in Aromatic and Heteroaromatic Synthesis: Mechanism, Method & Strategy
Nice, France
Karen Thurley
Scientific Update LLP
Maycroft Place
Stone Cross, Mayfield,
TN20 6EW United Kingdom
Tel.: +44 (0) 1435 873062
Fax: +44 (0) 1435 872734
E-mail: sciup@scientificupdate.co.uk
Web site:http://www.scientificupdate.co.uk

October 3-5, 2006
Chemical Development & Scale Up in the Fine Chemical Industry
Amsterdam, Netherlands
Claire Francis
Scientific Update LLP
Maycroft Place
Stone Cross, Mayfield,
TN20 6EW United Kingdom
Tel.: +44 (0) 1435 873062
Fax: +44 (0) 1435 872734
E-mail: sciup@scientificupdate.co.uk
Web site:http://www.scientificupdate.co.uk

October 8-11, 2006
Tutzing, Germany
Andrea Kohl
Theodor-Heuss-Allee 25
Frankfurt am Main,
60486 Germany
Tel.: +49-69-7564-235
Fax: +49-69-7564-441
E-mail: koehl@dechema.de
Web site: http://events.dechema.de/tusy45

October 10-12, 2006
Asia Biofuels Conference & Expo IV
Beijing, China
Wendy Vincent
Tel.: +01 605 323 0119
Web site: www.asiabiofuels.com

October 11-13, 2006
Advanced Polymers for Emerging Technologies
Busan, Korea
Prof. Sung Chul Kim
Department of Chemical Engineering
Korea Advanced Institute
of Sci. & Tech.
373-1 Guseongdong, Yuseong-gu
Daejeon 305-701. Korea
Tel.: +82 42 869 3914
Fax: +82 42 869 8435
E-mail: kimsc@kaist.ac.kr
Web site: www.psk30.org
October 13-14, 2006
9th International
Conference on Laboratory Automation: Faster Process Development - New Tools for New Challenges

Philadelphia, USA
Claire Francis
Scientific Update LLP
Maycroft Place
Stone Cross, Mayfield,
TN20 6EW United Kingdom
Tel.: +44 (0) 1435 873062
Fax: +44 (0) 1435 872734
E-mail: sciup@scientificupdate.co.uk
Web site: http://www.scientificupdate.co.uk

October 13-16, 2006
International Workshop "Dynamics of Correlated Particles in the Continuum"
St.Petersburg, Russia
Web site: http://www.ioffe.ru/

October 13-18, 2006
Reduced Nitrogen in Ecology and the Environment
Obergurgl, Austria
Jane Dutton
European Science Foundation
ESF Research Conferences
1 quai Lezay-Marnesia,
Strasbourg 67080 France
Tel.: +33 (0)388 76 71 35
Fax: +33 (0)388 36 69 87
E-mail: jdutton@esf.org
Web site:http://www.esf.org/conferences/ c06203

October 16-20, 2006
27th Latin American Congress on Chemistry & 6th International Congress of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
Havana City, Cuba
Prof. Alberto J. Nunez Selles
Center of Pharmaceutical Chemistry Sociedad Cubana de Quimica
Ave 21 & 200, Rpto. Atabey
Apdo. 16042 Havana,
CP 11600, Cubabr>Tel.: +53 7 218 178
Fax: +53 7 273 6471
E-mail: alberto@cgf.co.cu
Web site: www.loseventos.cu/XXVIICLAQ/

October 17-18, 2006
Green Chemistry
Basel, Switzerland
Karen Thurley
Scientific Update LLP
Maycroft Place
Stone Cross, Mayfield,
TN20 6EW United Kingdom
Tel.: +44 (0) 1435 873062
Fax: +44 (0) 1435 872734
E-mail: sciup@scientificupdate.co.uk
Web site:http://www.scientificupdate.co.uk

October 18-20, 2006
Chemical Development & Scale Up in the Fine Chemical Industry
Durham, North Carolina, USA
Claire Francis
Scientific Update LLP
Maycroft Place
Stone Cross, Mayfield,
TN20 6EW United Kingdom
Tel.: +44 (0) 1435 873062
Fax: +44 (0) 1435 872734
E-mail: sciup@scientificupdate.co.uk
Web site:http://www.scientificupdate.co.uk

Октябрь 24-25, 2006
I Всероссийская научная конференция Переработка углеводородного сырья. Комплексные решения” (Левинтеровские чтения)
Самара, Россия
Жилкина Евгения Олеговна
Самарский государственный технический университет
Химико-технологический факультет ГОУ ВПО
Кафедра Химической технологии переработки нефти и газа
ул. Молодогвардейская 244,
Самара, 443100 Россия
Tel./Fax: 846 442 35 80
Е-mail: levinter@sstu.smr.ru
October 24-27, 2006
Great Wall World Renewable Energy Forum (GWREF)& Exhibition (GWREF2006)
Qin Haiyan
General Secretary
Chinese Wind Energy Association (CWEA)
Beijing, China
Tel:(+86) 13801 167 582
E-mail: qinhy@cgc.org.cn
Web site: www.gwref.org

October 25-27, 2006
International Conference on Modeling in Chemical and Biological Engineering Sciences
Bangkok, Thailand
Prof. Jumras Limtrakul
Nanotechnology Center, Kasetsart University Research and Development Institute,
Bangkok 10900, Thailand
Tel.: 662 942 89 00 ext 304
E-mail: fsciirl@ku.ac.th

Prof.Gregory Yablonsky
Department of Chemical Engineering,
Washington University, St. Louis, USA
Tel.: 314 935 43 67
E-mail: gy@che.wustl.edu
Web site: http://nanocenter.sci.ku.ac.th

October 26-29, 2006
7th International Young Scientists Conference & International Conference "Optics and High Technology Material Science SPO 2006"
Kyiv, Ukraine
Viktor Lysiuk
Taras Shevchenko National
Univ. of Kyiv
Department of Physics
prospect Glushkova 2, bld.1
room 248, Kyiv 03022 Ukraine
Tel.: +380 663 305 605
Fax: +380 445 264 507
E-mail: lysiuk@univ.kiev.ua
Web site: http://www.spie.kiev.ua/spo

October 29-November 10, 2006
NATO – ASI International school on "New Organic Chemistry Reactions and Methodologies for Green Production"
Lecce – Otranto, Italy
Vittorio Esposito
INCA Lecce Italy
Tel.: +39 0832 297231
Fax: +39 0832 297231
E-mail: incalecce@unile.it
Web site:http://venus.unive.it/inca/education/na
October 30-November 3, 2006
Principles and Applications of Time-Resolved Fluorescence Spectroscopy
Berlin, Germany
PicoQuant GmbH
Rudower Chaussee 29
(IGZ), Berlin12489 Germany
Tel.: +49 30 6392 6560
Fax: +49 30 6392 6561
E-mail: trfcourse@pq.fta-berlin.de
Web site:http://www.picoquant.com/_trfcourse.htm

November 1-30, 2006
10th International Conference on Synthetic Organic Chemistry (Internet Conference)
Jullio A. Seijas
Universidad of Santiago de
Compostela. Campus Lugo
Alfonso X el Sabio
Facultad de Ciencias
Lugo 27002 Spain
Tel.: +34 982 285 900 ext. 24062
Fax: +34 982 285 872
E-mail: qoseijas@lugo.usc.es
Web site: http://www.usc.es/congresos/ecsoc/10/ECSOC10.htm

November 20-22, 2006
3rd Russian Conference “Physical Problems of Hydrogen Energy–2006”
St.Petersburg, Russia
Web site: http://www.ioffe.ru/HE2006/

November 2006
International Workshop “Thermoelectrics and their Applications”
St.Petersburg, Russia
Web site: http://www.ioffe.ru/

November 22-25, 2006
5th International Conference on Unsteady-State Processes in Catalysis (USPC-5)
Suita City, Japan
Prof. Takashi Aida
USPC-5 Conference Secretariat
Department of Chemical Engineering
Tokyo Institute of Technology
O-okayama Meguro-ku,
Tokyo 152-8552, Japan
Tel./Fax: +81 3 5734 2883
E-mail: uspc5@chemeng.titech.ac.jp
Web site: http://www.chemeng.titech.ac.jp/~uspc5/ndex.html

December 10-13, 2006
Conference and Exhibition on Catalysis in GCC Countries
Web site: www.gcccat.com

December 11-15, 2006
3rd International Conference ElecMol'06
Grenoble, France
Celine Deleval
17, Rue des Martyrs
Grenoble Cedex9
38054 France
Tel.: +33 4 3878 4001
Fax: +33 4 3878 5691
E-mail: info@elecmol.org
Web site: http://www.elecmol.org
January 31-February 2, 2007
3rd International Symposium on the Separation and Characterization of Natural and Synthetic Macromolecules (SCM-3)
Amsterdam, Netherlands
Robert Smits
Secretary of the Organizing
Roelsstraat 20
B-8670 Belgium
Tel.: +32 58 523116
Fax: +32 58 514575
E-mail: scm@ordibo.be
Web site: http://www.ordibo.be/

February 4-8, 2007
Australian Colloid and Interface Symposium
Sydney, Australia
Jane Yeaman
Tulips Meetings Management
PO Box 116
Salamander Bay
NSW 2317 Australia
Tel.: + 61 2 4984 2554
Fax: + 61 2 4984 2755
E-mail: acis@pco.com.au
Web site: http://www.colloid-oz.org.au

February 4-7, 2007
2nd North American Symposium on Chemical Reaction Engineering (NASCRE-2)
Houston, Texas, USA
Dan Luss
University of Houston
Bala Subramaniam
University of Kansas
Kurt VandenBussche
ISCRE the International Symposia on
Chemical Reaction Engineering, Inc.
The JW Marriott at the Galleria
5150 Westheimer, USA
Tel.: 1 713 961 1500
Web site:http://www.iscre.org/NASCRE2

February 7-8, 2007
International Workshop on Mathematics in Chemical and Biochemical Kinetics and Engineering (MACKiE-2)
Houston, Texas, USA
Prof. Gregory Yablonsky
Department of Chemical Engineering
Washington University in St. Louis
Campus Box 1198
One Brookings Drive
St. Louis 63130-4899, USA
Tel.: 1 314 935 4367
E-mail: gy@che.wustl.edu

David H. West
Senior Scientist
Epoxy R&D
The Dow Chemical Company
2301 N. Brazosport Blvd.; B-1217
Freeport, TX 77541-3257, USA
Tel.: 1 979 238 5140
E-mail: dwest@dow.com
Web site:http://www.iscre.org/NASCRE2

February 11-16, 2007
3rd International Conference on Advanced Materials and Nanotechnology (AMN-3)
Wellington, New Zealand
Alison Downard
University of Canterbury
Ilam Rd, Christchurch
New Zealand
Tel.: +64 3 3642501
Fax: +64 3 3642110
Web site:http://www.macdiarmid.ac.nz/AMN3

February 14-16, 2007
4th International Gas Analysis Symposium & Exhibition (GAS 2007)
Rotterdam, Netherlands
Web site: http://www.gas2007.org

March 10-17, 2007
International Conference on Nanotechnology: Science and Application (NanoTech Insight 2007)
Luxor, Egypt
Dr. Mohamed M. S. Abdel-Mottaleb
18-El Amirallay Eid Mohamed
Cairo11531 Egypt
Tel.: +49 179 749 2510
Fax: +49 180 500 290 621
Web site: http://www.nanoinsight.net

March 12-14, 2007
Water Status Monitoring under the WFD Lille, France
Maggi Churchouse
3 East Barn
Market Weston Road, Thelnetham
Diss IP22 1JJ UK
Tel.: +44 (0)1359 221 004
Fax: +44 (0)1359 221 004
E-mail: Maggi@WFDLille2007.org
Web site:http://www.wfdlille2007.org

April 2-4, 2007
Faraday Discussion 136: Crystal Growth and Nucleation
London, UK
Louise Drayton
RSC Conferences
Thomas Graham House
Science Park, Milton Road
Cambridge CB4 0WF UK
Tel.: +44 (0) 1223 432 380
Fax: +44 (0) 1223 423 623
E-mail: conferences@rsc.org
Web site: http://www.rsc.org/FD136

April 2-4, 2007
Nanoparticles: New
Opportunities and Challenges for Colloid Scientists
Coventry, UK
Fiona Nalden
RSC Conferences
Thomas Graham House
Science Park,
Milton Road Cambridge CB4 0WF UK
Tel.: +44 (0) 1223 432 380
Fax: +44 (0) 1223 423 623
E-mail: conferences@rsc.org
Web site: http://www.rsc.org/NanoColloid07

April 3-6, 2007
World Congress on Radiochemistry & Nuclear Sciences (WorldCor 2007)
Washington, D.C., USA
Larry Burchfield
The Radiochemistry Society
P.O. Box 3091
Richland, WA
99354 USA
Web site:http://www.WorldCor.Radiochemistry.org

April 15-21, 2007
17th International Conference on Phosphorus Chemistry
Xiamen, China
Prof. Yufen Zhao
Xiamen University Department of Chemistry
Xiamen, 361005 China
Tel.: +86 5922 185 610
Fax: +86 5922 186 292
E-mail: yfzhao@xmu.edu.cn
Web site: www.iupac.org

April 22-24, 2007
1st UK-US Conference on Chemical and Biological Sensors and Detectors
Louise Drayton
RSC Conferences
Thomas Graham House Science Park,
Milton Road Cambridge CB4 0WF UK
Tel.: +44 (0) 1223 432254
Fax: +44 (0) 1223 423623
E-mail: conferences@rsc.org
Web site: http://www.rsc.org/sensors07

April 26-27, 2007
Making and Using Fluoroorganic Molecules
Florence, Italy
Kate Laird
Scientific Update LLP
Maycroft Place
Stone Cross
Mayfield TN20 6EW UK
Tel.: + 44 (0)1435 873 062
Fax: + 44 (0)1435 872 734
E-mail: scientificupdate.co.uk
Web site:http://www.scientificupdate.co.uk

May 7-11, 2007
15th European Biomass Conference & Exhibition “Biomass for Energy, Industry and Climate Protection - From Research to Market Deployment”
Berlin, Germany
Angela Grassi
ETA-Renewable Energies
Piazza Savonarola 10
50132 Florence, Italy
Tel.: +39 055 500 2174
Direct line for Event Organisation Dept.: +39 055 500 2280
Fax : +39 055 573425
E-mail: eta.fi@etaflorence.it
Web site: www.etaflorence.it

Peter Helm
WIP-Renewable Energies
Sylvensteinstr. 2
81369 Munich, Germany
Tel.: +49 89 720 12735
Fax: +49 89 720 12791
E-mail: wip@wip-munich.de
Web site: www.wip-munich.de
Web site: www.conference-biomass.com

May 16-19, 2007
3rd International Symposium of Federation of European Societies on Trace Elements and Minerals (FESTEM)
Santiago de Compostela, Spain
Bermejo-Barrera Pilar
University of Santiago de Compostela
Faculty of Chemistry
Avenida de las Ciencias sn
Santiago de Compostela
15782 Spain
Tel.: + 346 0094 2346
Fax: + 349 8159 5012
E-mail: pbermejo@usc.es
Web site:http://www.seqc.es/festemmeting/

May 22-24, 2007
12th International Symposium Loss Prevention and Safety Promotion in the Process Industries
Edinburgh, UK
Rosemary Cragg
Davis Building165 - 189 Railway
Terrace Rugby
CV21 3HQ United Kingdom
Tel.: + 44 (0) 1788 534476
Fax: + 44 (0) 1788 560833
E-mail: rcragg@icheme.org
Web site: http://www.icheme.org

June 6-10, 2007
8th International Symposium on Carbanion Chemistry (ISCC-8)
University of Wisconsin, USA
Kevin Jantzi
Valparaiso University
Neils Science Center
1610 Campus Drive East
Valparaiso 46383 USA
Tel.: + (219) 464 5201
Fax: + (219) 464 5489
E-mail: kevin.jantzi@valpo.edu
Web site: http://www.chem.wisc.edu/iscc8/

Июнь 12-16, 2007
IX Международная Четаевская конференция “Аналитическая механика, устойчивость и управление движением”
Иркутск – оз. Байкал, Россия
Кононенко Галина Борисовна
Tel.: (3952) 42 71 00
Fax: (3952) 51 16 16
E-mail: snv@icc.ru, chetayev_conference2007@icc.ru

June 17-22, 2007
20th North American Catalysis Society Meeting Houston, TX, USA
E-mail: nacs2007@lsu.edu
Web site: http://www.20nam.org

June 26-30, 2007
Modern Physical Chemistry for Advanced Materials
Kharkiv, Ukraine
Natalya Vodolazkaya
School of Chemistry
V.N.Karazin Kharkiv National
4 Svoboda Square
Kharkiv 61077 Ukraine
Tel.: +38 057 707 5445
Fax: +38 057 705 1261
Web site: http://izmailov2007.univer.kharkov.ua

Июль 1-6, 2007
XVI Международной конференции по химической термодинамике (RCCT-2007) & Конференция "Проблемы сольватации и комплексообразования в растворах"
Суздаль, Россия
Институт химии растворов
153045, г. Иваново,
ул. Академическая, 1
E-mail: rcct2007@isc-ras.ru
Web site: www.isc-ras.ru/RCCT2007/

July 2-4, 2007
Faraday Discussion 137: The Spectroscopy and Dynamics of Microparticles
Bristol, United Kingdom
Fiona Nalden
RSC Conferences
Thomas Graham House
Science Park, Milton Road Cambridge CB4 0WF UK
Tel.: +44 (0) 1223 432 254
Fax: +44 (0) 1223 423 623
E-mail: conferences@rsc.org
Web site: http://www.rsc.org/FD137

July 4-6, 2007
11th European Meeting on Fire Retardant Polymers (FRPM07)
Bolton, United Kingdom
Nicky Wake
Don't Panic Projects Ltd
PO Box 448
Bury BL8 9AU UK
Tel./Fax: + 44 (0)1706 828 855
E-mail: nicky@frpm07.com
Web site: http://www.frpm07.com

July 4-7, 2007
9th FIGIPAS-Meeting in Inorganic Chemistry
Vienna, Austria
Karl Kirchner
Institute of Applied Synthetic
Vienna A-1060 Austria
Tel.: +43 1 58801 16301
Fax: +43 1 58801 16399
E-mail: figipas@tuwien.ac.at
Web site: http://figipas.tuwien.ac.at

July 6-8, 2007
1st Gordon-Kenan Graduate Research Seminar on Ogranometallic Chemistry
Newport, Rhode Island, USA
Nora Radu
DuPont Co.
Experimental Station
PO Box 80328
Wilmington, DE 19880 USA
Tel.: + 302 695 3363
Fax: + 302 695 8412
E-mail: nora.s.radu@usa.dupont.com
Web site:http://www.grc.uri.edu/07sched.htm#

July 7-14, 2007
Synthesis and Mechanism
Queensland, Australia
Curt Wentrup
The University of Queensland
Chemistry Building
St Lucia Brisbane 4072 Australia
Tel.: +61 7 3365 3817
Fax: +61 7 3365 4299
E-mail: wentrup@uq.edu.au
Web site:http://earth.chemistry.uq.edu.au/heron4/

July 8-12, 2007
Greenhouse Gases: Mitigation and Utilization
Kingston, Canada
Philip Jessop
Queen's University
Department of Chemistry
90 Bader Lane
Kingston K7L 3N6 Canada
Tel.: + 1 613 533 3212
Fax: + 1 613 533 6669
E-mail: jessop@chem.queensu.ca
Web site:http://www.chem.queensu.ca/greenho

July 8-12, 2007
Nanostructured Polymers and Polymer Nanocomposites
Prague, Czech Republic
Libor Matějka
Institute of Macromolecular
Academy of Sciences of the Czech
Heyrovskйho nбm. 2
Praha 6 CZ 162 06
Czech Republic
Tel.: +420 296 809 332
Fax: +420 296 809 410
E-mail: sympo@imc.cas.cz
Web site: http://www.imc.cas.cz/sympo/46micros.html

July 8-13, 2007
ESOC 2007 Conference
Dublin, Ireland
Paulene McKeever
ESOC 2007 Secretariat
C/o Conference Organisers Ltd
Clifton House,
Lr Fitzwilliam Street
Dublin 2 Ireland
Tel.: +353 1 662 0125
Fax: +353 1 662 0126
E-mail: info@conferenceorganisers.ie
Web site: http://www.esoc2007.com

July 11-13, 2007
Modern Synthetic Methods - Reaction to Reality & Chiral USA
Philadelphia, USA
Kate Laird
Scientific Update LLP
Maycroft Place
Stone Cross
Mayfield TN20 6EW UK
Tel.: + 44 (0)1435 873 062
Fax: + 44 (0)1435 872 734
E-mail: sciup@scientificupdate.co.uk
Web site:http://www.scientificupdate.co.uk

July 16-18, 2007
Analytical Research Forum 2007
Glasgow, UK
Ruth Needham
RSC Conferences
Thomas Graham House
Science Park, Milton Road
Cambridge CB4 0WF UK
Tel.: +44 (0)1223 432 380
Fax: +44 (0)1223 423 623
E-mail: conferences@rsc.org
Web site: http://www.rsc.org/ARF07

July 16-20, 2007
13th International Symposium on Relations between Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Catalysis
Berkeley, California, USA
Prof. Gabor A. Somorjai
Department of Chemistry
University of California
D58 Hildebrand #1460
Berkeley, CA 94720
Tel.: (510) 642 4053
Fax: (510) 643 9668
Web site:

July 16-20, 2007
30th International Conference on Solution Chemistry
Perth, Australia
Prof. Glenn Hefter
School of Mathematical and Physical
Murdoch University
Murdoch, WA 6150 Australia
Tel.: +61 8 9360 2226
Fax: +61 8 9360 1711
E-mail: g.hefter@murdoch.edu.au
Web site:http://www.iupac.org/symposia/2007.html

July 22-27, 2007
12th International Symposium on Novel Aromatic Compounds (ISNA-12)
Tsuna-Gun, Japan
Prof. Yoshito Tobe
Division of Frontier Materials Science
Osaka University
Toyonaka, Osaka University, Japan
Tel.: +81 6 6850 6225
Fax: +81 6 6850 6229
E-mail: tobe@chem.es.osaka-u.ac.jp
Web site:ww.iupac.org/symposia,

July 23-25, 2007
2nd International Conference on Semiconductor Photochemistry
Schoolhill, Aberdeen, UK
Peter Robertson
Robert Gordon University
Schoolhill, Aberdeen
Tel.: +44 (0)1224 262 01
Fax: +44(0)1224 262 16
E-mail: sp-2@rgu.ac.uk
Web site:http://www.rgu.ac.uk/cree/sp-2

August 2-6, 2007
14th International Symposium on Organometallic Chemistry Directed towards Organic Synthesis (OMCOS-14)
Nara, Japan
Prof. Kazuhiko Takai
Department of Applied Chemistry
Okayama University
Faculty of Engineering
Tsuchimanaka 3-1-1, Okayama 700-8530, Japan
Tel.: +81 86 251 8097
Fax: +81 86 251 8094
E-mail: ktakai@cc.okayama-u.ac.jp
Web site: www.iupac.org/symposia

August 4-12, 2007
IUPAC 44th General Assembly
Turin, Italy
IUPAC Secretariat
Tel.: +1 919 485 8700
Fax: +1 919 485 8706
E-mail: secretariat@iupac.org
Web site: www.iupac.org

August 5-11, 2007
IUPAC 41st Congress
Turin, Italy
IUPAC Secretariat
Tel.: +1 919 485 8700
Fax: +1 919 485 8706
E-mail: IUPAC2007@unito.it
Web site: www.iupac.org/symposia/congress07.html , www.iupac.org

August 12-16, 2007
8th International Conference on Heteroatom Chemistry (ICHAC-8)
Riverside, CA, USA
Chris Reed
UC Riverside Center for S and P
Block Chemistry
Riverside, California 92521 USA
Tel.: + 1(951) 827 5197
Fax: + 1(951) 827 2027
E-mail: chris.reed@ucr.edu
Web site: http://ichac-8.ucr.edu/

August 26-31, 2007
EUROPACAT VIII “From Theory to Industrial Practice”
Turku/Abo, Finland
Web site: www.abo.fi/europacat8

August 27-29, 2007
Discrete Element Methods-07
Brisbane, Australia
Barry Wills
Minerals Engineering International
18 Dracaena Avenue
Falmouth, Cornwall
Tel.: +44 (0)7768 234121
Fax: +44 (0)1326 318352
E-mail: bwills@min-eng.com
Web site: http://www.min-eng.com/dem07/index.html

September 3-5, 2007
Faraday Discussion 138: Nanoalloys - From Theory to Applications
Birmingham, UK
Fiona Nalden
RSC Conferences
Thomas Graham House
Science Park, Milton Road
Cambridge CB4 0WF UK
Tel.: +44 (0) 1223 432254
Fax: +44 (0) 1223 423623
E-mail: conferences@rsc.org
Web site: http://www.rsc.org/ConferencesAndE

September 6-9, 2007
2nd International Symposium Advanced micro- and mesoporous materials
Varna, Bulgaria
Georgi Vayssilov
Faculty of Chemistry,
University of Sofia
Blvd. J. Bourchier 1
Sofia 1126 Bulgaria
Tel.: + (359 2) 8161 338
Fax: + (359 2) 9625 438
E-mail: micro2007@innoslab.com
Web site:http://micro2007.innoslab.com

September 9-12, 2007
11th International Conference on Chemistry and the Environment “Chemistry, Environment and Human Activity in Civilization Development”
Torun, Poland
Boguslaw Buszewski
Nicolaus Copernicus University
Department of Environmental
7 Gagarin Str, Torun
87-100 Poland
Tel.: +45 56 611 4308
Fax: +45 56 654 2477
E-mail: analityk@chem.uni.torun.pl
Web site:http://www.chem.uni.torun.pl/en/

September 9-14, 2007
EUROanalysis XIV
Antwerp, Belgium
E-mail: koen.janssens@ua.ac.be
Web site: http://www.euroanalysisxiv.ua.ac.be/

September 16-20, 2007
8th Simposium on Catalysis Applied to Fine Chemical (8th CAFC)
Verbania Pallanza, Italy
E-mail: n.ravasio@istm.cnr.it

October 12-18, 2007
FACSS 2007
Memphis, TN, USA
P O Box 24379
Santa Fe NM 87502 USA
Tel.: + 1 505 820 1648
Fax: + 1 505 989 1073
E-mail: facss@facss.org
Web site: http://www.facss.org

November 5-6, 2007
Process Systems in the Metallurgical Industry 07
Cape Town, South Africa
Barry Wills
Minerals Engineering International
18 Dracaena Avenue
Falmouth Cornwall TR11 2EQ UK
Tel.: +44 7768 234121
Fax: +44 1326 318352
E-mail: bwills@min-eng.com
Web site: http://www.min-eng.com/processsystems07/index.html

November 14-15, 2007
3rd International Symposium on Solid-Liquid Separation (SLS 07)
Cape Town, South Africa
Barry Wills
Minerals Engineering International
18 Dracaena Avenue
Falmouth Cornwall TR11 2EQ UK
Tel.: +44 7768 234121
Fax: +44 1326 318352
E-mail: bwills@min-eng.com
Web site: http://www.min-eng.com/sls07/index.html

January 28-30, 2008
10th International Symposium on Advances in Extraction Techniques (ExTech-2008)
Brugge, Belgium
Robert Smits
Roelsstraat 20
B-8670 Belgium
Tel.: +32 58 523116
Fax: +32 58 514575
E-mail: robert.smits@kvcv.be
Web site: http://www.ordibo.be

January 30-February 1, 2008
10th International Symposium on Hyphenated Techniques in Chromatography and Hyphenated Chromatographic Analyzers (HTC-10)
Bruges, Belgium
Robert Smits
Royal Flemish Chemical Society
Roelsstraat 20
B-8670 Belgium
Tel.: +32 58 523116
Fax: +32 58 514575
E-mail: robert.smits@kvcv.be
Web site: http://www.ordibo.be

June 15-19, 2008
World Hydrogen Energy Conference
Queensland, Australia
Jacki Brown
ICMS Pty Ltd
PO Box 3496
South Brisbane
Queensland 4101 Australia
Tel.: +61 7 3844 1138
Fax: +61 7 3844 0909
E-mail: whec2008@icms.com.au
Web site: http://www.whec2008.com

August 31- September 3, 2008
5th International Conference on Environment Catalysis ICEC-5
Belfast, UK
E-mail: r.burch@qub.ac.uk
Web site: www.centacat.qub.ac.uk/5icec

September 1-2, 2008
2nd International FEZA School on Zeolites
and September, 2-6, 2008
4th International FEZA Conference ”Advances in Nanoporous Materials”
Paris, France
Pr. Antoine Gedeon
FEZA 2008
UPVC, laboratoire SIEN
4 place Jussieu, case 196
75252 Paris cedex 05, France
Tel.: 331 44 27 5529
Fax: 331 44 27 5536
E-mail: ag@ccr.jussieu.fr
E-mail: feza2009@upmc.fr
Web site: http://www.sien.jussieu.fr

September 16-20, 2008
2nd European Chemistry Congress
Torino, Italy
Evelyn McEwan
EuCheMS Secretariat
c/o RSC
Burlington House, Piccadilly
London W1J 0BA
United Kingdom
Tel.: +44 (0) 20 7440 3303
Fax: +44 (0) 20 7437 8883
E-mail: mcewane@rsc.org
Web site: http://www.euchems.org

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