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За рубежом


На 15-м съезде Северо-Американского каталитического общества (North American Catalysis Society) в мае 1997 г. было избрано новое руководство общества.

Dr. M.Albert Vannice, Penn State University ≈ президент;
Dr. Alex Bell, University of California ≈ вице-президент;
B.K.Warren, Union Carbide Corp. ≈ секретарь (адрес: bkw@medinah.atc.ucarb.com);
Dr. John N.Armor, Air Products & Chemicals ≈ казначей;
Dr. Richard D.Gonzalez, Tulane University ≈ экс-президент;
Web-адрес общества: http://www.dupont.com/nacs.
Dr. Leo Manzer (DuPont CR&D) стал обладателем премии 1997 г. Каталитического клуба Филадельфии за популяризацию катализа в обществе.
Prof. Raymond Dorte (University of Pennsylvania) стал обладателем премии Мичиганского каталитического общества за большие достижения в исследованиях в области катализа.
Dr. John M.Newsam был удостоен премии каталитического общества метрополии Нью-Йорка за "превосходство в катализе".
Prof. Roder A.Sheldon (Delft University), Dr. John F.Knifton (Shell Chemical Co.) удостоены премиями Пауля Н.Риландера (P.N.Rylander) 1997 и 1998 гг. за выдающийся вклад в области гомогенного и гетерогенного катализа.

Отделение катализа Канадского химического общества (The Catalysis Division, the Canadian Society for Chemistry) объявило об открытии своей web-страницы: http://www.chm.ulaval.ca/15scsc/.

Мексиканская каталитическая академия (Mexican Catalysis Academy) избрала своим президентом Dr. Gabriela Diaz (Instituto de Fisica-UNAM).


Совет Европейской федерации каталитических обществ (European Federation of Catalytical Societies ≈ EFCATS) 31 августа 1997 г. в Кракове (Польша) переизбрал руководство Федерации на следующие два года. Президентом EFCATS стал проф. Ж.Ведрин (J.Vedrine) из лионского Института катализа (Франция), вице-президентом ≈ директор Института катализа и химии поверхности Польской академии наук (г.Краков) проф. Дж.Хабер (J.Haber). В соответствии с уставом Федерации экс-президентом стал сдающий полномочия нынешний президент проф. Э.Деруан (E.Deroune) из Ливерпульского центра исследования поверхности (Великобритания). Избраны также секретарь Федерации проф. А.Кортес (A.Cortes) из Испании и казначей проф. К.Форни (K.Forni) из Италии.
После совета EFCATS прошел конгресс EUROPACAT-III. Он собрал около 600 специалистов из всех стран Европы. Среди них около 50 были представителями России. На конгрессе EUROPACAT-III было заслушано 5 пленарных и около 170 устных докладов на 12-ти параллельных симпозиумах, а также представлено свыше 600 стендовых докладов.

На заседании совета EFCATS утверждено место и время проведения очередного Европейского конгресса по катализу EUROPACAT-IV. Он будет проходить в г. Римини (Италия) с 4 по 9 сентября 1999 г. под лозунгом "Катализ для устойчивого развития цивилизации".
Адрес EFCATS: http://www.icp.csic.es/efcats


16 марта 1996 г. исполнительный комитет EFCATS утвердил правила для подачи заявок на гранты на поддержку европейских конференций и иных совещаний, а также для подачи заявок на проведение европейских конгрессов по катализу (EUROPACAT) и грантов имени Франсуа Голта (Francois Gault) на чтение лекций. Ниже приводятся полные тексты этих документов.


The following rules were established at the EFCATS meeting in El Escorial, Spain, 16 March 1996.
EFCATS support to a conference or meeting may be granted only if a number of rules are observed:
1. The conference or meeting must be a European event, largely opened to all European groups active in catalysis. It must also be recognised world-wide.
2. The conference must serve a purpose which is presently not met by the EUROPACAT conferences nor duplicate any other current conference or meeting.
3. The organisation of the conference must have been approved by the catalysis society of the country in which the event will take place.
4. The application for EFCATS sponsorship must have been made at least one year in advance.
5. The conference must provide some financial return to EFCATS. For this purpose, a levy of ECU 16.00 will be made by EFCATS on the registration fee of each registered participant to conferences or meetings supported by EFCATS.
6. For the EUROPACAT congresses, however, the levy will be 10% of the total registration fees, to be transferred to the account of EFCATS after approval of the final accounts of the congress by the Board of EFCATS.


The following rules were established at the EFCATS meeting in El Escorial, Spain, 16 March 1996.
In addition to the rules set forth in the Constitution of EFCATS, the following timetable is proposed to decide on the location and organisation of forthcomning EUROPACAT congresses:
1. 3.5 years in advance, delegates make suggestions for future locations to the Board of EFCATS. The proposals should include a draft budget, a detailed description of the location and facilities, a guarantee of covering any eventual deficit of the congress organisation, and a letter of support from the national "catalysis" organisation. The Board or EFCATS examines the proposals at its Spring meeting.
2. 3 years in advance, a final decision is made by the Council, meeting in September, with respect to the location of the EUROPACAT conference. This decision is announced in the final circular of the EUROPACAT meeting held six months later.
3. 2 years in advance, at the EUROPACAT meeting, the Council proposes and discusses themes for the technical sessions of the next EUROPACAT meeting and lists plenary lectures proposals.
4. 1.5 years in advance, themes and plenary lectures are finalised. A full statement on the budget is submitted. The first circular is prepared and sent.
Note: All these rules become in force starting with the organisation of EUROPACAT-IV in Bologna. Thus, the location and general objectives of EUROPACAT-IV will be announced at EUROPACAT-III in Krakow where proposals for themes, plenary lectures and technical sessions will also be discussed by the Council of EFCATS.


The following rules were established at the EFCATS meeting in El Escorial, Spain, 16 March 1996.
1. The Francois Gault Lectureship is the most prestigious distinction that a catalytic scientist can receive from an European official body, EFCATS, bringing together and representing catalysis in Europe.
2. It is expected that the Francois Gault Lectureship (FGL) will give about ten (10) conferences all over Europe, including Central and Eastern Europe and the CIS. These locations will be agreed upon between the Lecturer and the Board of EFCATS.
3. The selection of the FGL will be based on his recognition as either a "famous" (a prominent scientist) and/or a ╚frontier╩ (research at the frontier of science) contributor to catalysis.
4. The election of the FGL will be made by the EFCATS Council. For this purpose, the President and Secretary of EFCATS should receive 6 months before the next EUROPACAT congress nominations by the EFCATS Council members (individual or collective). These nominations should indicate clearly the reasons for which the scientist is being nominated. All collected nominations will be circulated among the EFCATS delegates at least two months before the EUROPACAT conference at which the FGL election will take place during the EFCATS Council meeting.
5. The Francois Gault Lectureship will operate every other year, in alternance with the EUROPACAT congresses.
6. All living/lodging expenses are covered by the laboratories which host officially the F Gault Lecturer in the visited countries, EFCATS will not provide an homorarium. This will be left to the discretion of the individual hosts.
7. Travel expenses are agreed upon between the F. Gault Lecturer and the Treasurer and President of EFCATS. The F.Gault Lecturer is reimbursed directly by EFCATS for his travel expenses upon submission of all appropriate documentation, up to the agreed amount. The mode of sharing travel expenses between the various national catalysis organisation and EFCATS is proposed by the Treasurer of EFCATS and agreed upon at the latest before the next meeting of the EFCATS Officers.
Note: Nominations for the 1998 FGL should be received by Profs Derouane and Cortes before or on 1st March 1997.

NICE (Network for Industrial Catalysis in Europe)

В 1997 г. создана Европейская информационная сеть промышленного катализа ≈ NICE. Мы приводим их первый информационный листок.

NICE Industrial members
Ahlstrom Machinery Corp.═
ARCO Chemical Company═
ARCO Europe═
BP Chemicals═
DSM Research═
Elf Aquitaine═
Elf Atochem S.A.═
Enichem SpA═
Exxon Chemical═
Grace GmbH═
Huls AG═
ICI Katalco═
ICI Research & Tecnology═
ICI Polyurethanes═
Johnson Matthey═
Monsanto Europe S.A.═
Norsk Hydro a.s═
Solvay Deutschland GmbH═
Erkki Kiiskila
Dr. David M. Braunstein
Dr. E. Schwab
Dr.M.P.Atkins, John Brophy
Dr. Kurt Wagenmann
Dr. P.Panster
Dr. Frank van den Brink
Dr. Jacques Bousquet
Jean Bednarick
G.Petrini, Paolo Cortesi
Jim Hopwood
Dr. H.H.Hofer
Prof. Dr. K.Kuhlein
W.Lambrecht, Dr.L. Heinrich
Fred Hancock
Dr. Dale A. Laidler
Arie Plaisier
Dr. S.E. Golunski
Dr.H.B. May
Eeva-Liiisa Lakomaa
Dr. Steinar Kvisle
Jean F. Jenck
Dr. M.Marchionna, Dr. S. Rossini
Thierry Piret
Kjell Moljord
Ch. Adams
Prof. Eric G. Derouane University
of Liverpool Leverhulme Centre for
Innovative Catalyse
Prof. B. Delmon UCL ≈ Unite de
Catalyse et Chimit de Materiaus divises

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