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Federation of European Chemical Societies

Millennium Project: Celebration of the 100 most distinguished european chemists from he chemical revolution to the 21st century

The Federation of European Chemical Societies (FECS) is initiating, as a Millennium Project, the celebration of Distinguished European Chemists spanning a period of over 200 years.
Member societies of FECS are invited to submit their nominations of distinguished European chemists from, say, the end of the 18th century until the present day. In addition to Nobel Prize winners, there will be nominations of many others from Europe who have, over more than two centuries, transformed the science and influenced others across the world.
It is suggested that FECS member societies may wish to arrange for their Boards to establish a working group to develop their
list of nominations. Individuals will also be given the opportunity to submit nominations via the FECS web site. The process of evaluating the nominations will be considered by the FECS Executive Committee when it meets in September 1998.
Publicity for the outcome of the first part of the project will be considered during the next 6 months and will be aimed at the year 2000. Member societies are encouraged to let the FECS Secretariat know if they have any suggestions for publicity.

E.K.McEwan, FECS Secretariat, July 1998
Chemistry International (The news magazine of the IUPAC), 1998, Vol.20, No. 5

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